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Présentation Théo?

Démarré par leonardhofstader, 08 Juillet 2020 à 13:40:14

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Hi all! [/ size] I quickly introduce myself for basic information Théo, 24, still a student for the moment. I started jdr almost 10 years ago with a friend. For a while there were only two of us pulling our hair out of the rules of version 3.5 of DD. For a short period, I left aside this passion for lack of friends interested in the JDR. Recently, I managed to heat a few friends to start playing again and it's a big success, they are all great fans and it's good fun But now, none are ready to master: / Suddenly here I am! I would very much like to participate as a player at a new JDR table, in a good atmosphere. In detail, I of course played a lot of DD 3.5 and I mastered a year-long campaign with my old roommates on Star wars " [/ color] [/ color] [/ color] [/ color]


salut theo et welcome.  :D A mon avis il serait preferable que tu fasses ta présentation en français, tout le monde ne lisant pas l'anglais...En plus on est sur un forum francais...Sinon y a parfois des parties de jdr de dungeons et dragons 5e edition
dungeon world-PBTA


Bonjour Théo,

It is the première fois I see this kind of frangliche présentation.

Welcome parmi nous :)
Le crazy orc ? Une belle association de jeu de rôle à Lyon.
Venez-nous rejoindre les weekends (samedi et dimanche) à partir de 14h au 13 Rue Antoine Lumière, 69008 Lyon.



Amadeus Arkham


Théo ou Léonard ? Bah, bienvenue à vous deux !
ManuDevil, webmestre Crazy Orc, l'association n°1 de jeux de rôles de Lyon
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